Intro to B.K. Brionity shouts out!

We here at Beached Kitties want to welcome you with open arms and warmth and congratulations! You have made it to this point in your wanderings for new music and to the artists that are changing the world one person at a time. Violatrix and I have been working hard to bring this site to the people we think will be interested in making their music collections deeper than the charts.

We originally wanted to name our site Fierce Norwegian Ghetto Bitches but all the acronyms were taken! And we didn't want people thinking that we were talking about bitches in a negative or pornographic way. The nerve.

Our inspiration was the unbelievable talents of the Norwegians, in particular, those brilliant vocalists who scale the heights of our hearts and sing the thoughts that we didn't know we had....

Violatrix and I met through the wondrous music of Moloko and the lyrics of Ms. Murphy. Hence our first post.

So this is, in a way, our story. And my introduction to me and why I am writing this at long last. For I am a writer of some renown. And an artist. And a musician. And a traveler. Seeker. Believer.

Stick around as we expand your brains and sing the songs of the Beached Kitties.

Glad to know you.

But let me make one thing perfectly clear. We will be expressing our opinions with vim and vigor. We will not hold back. We will challenge the norm, we will be snarky and sharp. Hateful sometimes, but don't worry or be afraid. We are, as our idols. Imperfectly perfect. Balanced and uneven. Glistening in the lackluster world and unashamed to say it. You should be too.


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